My Approach
There are different ways to gain health and well-being for each of us, and each health practitioner has developed their system of treatment. My intention is to help you make sense of the cause of your health symptoms, ways to resolve them, and to offer information so that you can maintain good health. Your treatment plan is designed to integrate into everyday life as easily as possible.
In my practice I listen to symptoms and case histories, observe (its amazing what your posture can indicate for example) and make a general assessment. I then use various diagnostic techniques such as Iridology to provide additional information. During the consultation I may apply the Alpha Stim medical device. At the end of the consultation, time allowing, I use a Bioresonance device (Bioresonanze Pro 3000 or Solex) to provide additional information and treatment.
By the time the majority of my patients come to me they have already had a spectrum of medical tests which are usually 'normal' and yet they continue to experience real symptoms. As research has shown, many pathogens are extremely difficult to detect unless a patient is in the acute stage. As with therapies such as Acupuncture and Osteopathy, Naturopathy offers a different assessment approach which is beneficial.
Iridology like all diagnostic assessments is not foolproof, but provides information hard to determine by any other method. Your eyes are unique to you and therefore tells your personal story. Various shapes and colors in the iris indicate the health and function of organs and systems. Iridology also aids in the formulation of specific remedies and treatment plan.
For example, it can identify if the pain in your back is from posture, emotional (e.g the heavy burden you carry), inflammation, lymphatic congestion, arthritis or deterioration of discs, indicating a referral to an Osteopath or Physiotherapist for specialist treatment and further tests.
One example comes to mind of a lady who for years had thought pain in the lower abdomen was from a intestinal/bowel issue and spent a lot of money seeing various practitioners, trying various diets and taking various supplements. Her consultation with me determined the likely cause was from a hypertonic psoas muscle and I recommended she discuss this with her chiropractor at her next visit. The chiropractor confirmed this was the case and the lady was astounded years of anguish was all due to a hypertonic muscle which the chiropractor treated. Not only did the pain go but so did the worry of wondering what was going on inside!
A gentleman booked an appointment several years ago and said he had had 2 recent trips in the ambulance with heart fibrillation and yet all the tests and scans were normal. Understandably he was anxious. An in depth consultation revealed he was actually in very good health and not much in his past was a cause for his recent experiences. As soon as I began the iris diagnosis-I had my answer. The one area that showed up like a shining light was his neck. It was literally screaming for attention. I told him my findings and referred him to an Osteopath who confirmed muscular-skeletal issues were at the seat of the problem and after treatment, to my knowledge he had no further episodes.
A lady's consultation (according to MIMS) determined the majority of her symptoms were caused by medication she was taking, so I referred her to her doctor to discuss changes or ceasing her medication. This resulted in a 90% reduction in her symptoms.
A young lady in her original email asked for help with hormone imbalance symptoms, the imbalance was confirmed in her consultation, therefore justifying hormone remedies. However I determined the original cause for these symptoms were primarily in her dietary habits. Her first lot of remedies included only one hormone herb, the rest of her treatment was focused on diet and healing the gut. This resolved about 98% of her symptoms within 6 weeks.
A 12 year old boy was brought in by his mother. He had also had a range of blood, urine tests, scans and ultrasounds which revealed nothing. He was suffering from severe lethargy and prone to projectile vomiting. I concluded after his consultation that he was having a strong reaction to certain foods. Armed with remedies and a dietary change he was soon back playing sports.
One patient came to me very troubled, she had recent symptoms and ran through the list of what she had done to correct them including seeing various practitioners. Nothing had helped and I said you have done everything except one thing. What is your stress and what thoughts and feelings have you been experiencing? I then proceeded to show her Louise Hay's book which perfectly matched her symptoms to her current thoughts and feelings. This was her healing-she did not need any remedies and she got in touch a couple of weeks later to say her symptoms had drastically reduced and continuing to do so.
Another client was referred by her Osteopath for cupping to help with the remaining 5% of back issues that came and went randomly. When gathering information I asked her 2 questions. 1- At the time of her initial injury what was going on In her life, what specific thoughts and feelings were dominant? 2-When her current back issues appeared what had just happened and how was it affecting her? Being a sensitive and enlightened lady it all of a sudden made sense to her and she was able to identify the cause for her back tweaking. The remaining 5% had not gone away because she had not addressed the emotions related to it.
A friend texted to say she had a migraine and could I do a Bioresonance treatment for her. She texted to say the pain went away within 1.5 hours and she hasn’t had one since, that was a month ago.
I am a big fan of neuroscience and psychology. And that is another point. We so often focus on remedies, lifestyle advice and dietary changes but often forget about treatment for the brain. Recent neuroscience research has shown that specific brain exercises can result in a great improvement in a myriad of health conditions ranging from mild to severe.
Time and again I have determined in clinic that a patient's problems stem from their thoughts/feelings/emotions. And the majority of these patients have acknowledged that. (think about it, what was going on in your life at the time your symptoms began?). A few have not wanted to address these - all in ones own time. Corporate businesses use personality typing such as Myers Briggs to match jobs to people and identify their strengths. I do something similar in clinic.
Your personality, habits, how you cope and deal with every day life, what your thoughts & feelings are focused on- all affect your health. Phlegmatic? Laid back? A worrier? A perfectionist? Always in a hurry? These traits can produce a set of matching symptoms. I use a template in practice which is invaluable and helps to match symptoms to specific remedies/minerals/treatment plan and tailored advice.
I have witnessed and read such amazing healing results achieved from addressing the mind/body connection. Whilst body therapies, supplements, detoxing, exercise and acupuncture are all invaluable, if you find you have to regularly see a practitioner, this indicates another tack needs to be incorporated in your current health regime.

“The average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. Through an uncontrolled thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick! Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones. Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts cause the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies to name just a few”
Leanne Farnsworth is a progressive natural health practitioner with over 20 years of clinical experience, dedicated to enhancing the well-being of her clients. Her guiding mantras—efficiency, effectiveness, professionalism, common sense and innovation—reflect her commitment to delivering high-quality care. Leanne is not one to accept the status quo; instead, she tirelessly researches and incorporates innovative tools and therapies into her practice. This pursuit of knowledge enables her to offer tailored solutions that address the unique needs of each individual, which include invaluable therapies no longer taught in institutions, combined with modern technological equipment to ensure a transformative approach to Mind/Body wellbeing that is both progressive and impactful.
“Researchers say that 87% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct results of our thought life....what we think about effects us physically and emotionally. It’s an epidemic of toxic emotions”
Bachelor Health Science Natural Medicine (Victoria University 2005, distinction)
Advanced Diploma Classical Herbal Medicine (Dorothy Hall College of Herbal Medicine, 2002. merit)
Diploma Naturopathy & Diploma Herbal Medicine (Wellpark College, 2000)
Diploma Remedial Massage (1994)
Reiki 1 & 2
EFT 1 (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Certificate Homotoxicology
iLs Practitioner Training (integrated listening therapy-Brain Integration through music, movement & language) & Safe & Sound Protocol
Accunect Connect & Zoom
Modern Cupping Therapy
Biogeometry Advanced
Cognomovement Basic Training
Bioresonance Basic & Intermediate: Solex AO Scanner (American software) & Bioresonance Pro 3000 (German software)