Energy Medicine - Reiki

Energy medicine sometimes used interchangeably with vibrational energy and recently Bioenergetics refers to the wide range of healing modalities used to diagnose and treat illness by manipulating energy. Energy Medicine includes all concepts of energy: light, sound, electro-magnetism, body, mind and spirit. Today there are numerous therapies that fall under this category and some of these have been well researched over the years. More excitingly modern technology and scientific knowledge can now prove much of what until recently has been explained through ancient knowledge.

Energy Medicine incorporates techniques from ancient and modern practices to help facilitate the natural flow, balance, and energy frequency harmonics within the human energy field. Energy medicine uses energetic frequencies to successfully modify the structure and function of biological tissue. Modern technology has developed instruments that can detect and measure energetic frequencies throughout the human body, and have validated the existence of the human energy biofield.

What can you expect in a session? Energy medicine offered at Inbalance uses a combination of therapies chosen from, Reiki, Accunect and Bioresonance. Cognomovement may also be applied here if indicated. A session will begin with an Accunect body map to identify what needs attention, this may be emotional, mental or physical, or a combination. The Bioresonance Pro 300 device can also be used here to get a chakra reading assessment, which can identify blockages physical and emotional. The Bioresonance frequencies related to the chakras can then be integrated into a Reiki session, to aid in the balancing of your Chakras.

The practitioner is not doing anything other than identifying what is ready to be balanced or shifted and bringing the awareness of this to you, it is you who does the healing. Allowing the flow of energy brings everything into alignment.

I find it fascinating how the emotions and beliefs that arise when going over a health map matches perfectly what someone has been going through. So often bringing the awareness of this creates a shift which can act as a catalyst for change and healing.

 Wholistic health encompasses all areas, facets and aspects as teachers, authors and medical professionals such as Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, Dr Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Bernie Siegel and Wayne Dyer demonstrate. Mind/energy medicine such as Acupuncture, NLP, Mediation, Yoga, Colour Therapy, Sound Healing & Reiki have become increasingly popular as we experience a shift in consciousness and science undertakes research on therapies previously immeasurable, and unquantifiable.


Energy Medicine, Reiki & Accunect 1 hour: $120.00