Bio Resonance

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to rebalance the body and promote healing. It analyzes the body's electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances and then emits corresponding frequencies to restore balance and stimulate self-healing. This non-invasive therapy detoxifies, reduces inflammation, and enhances vitality. It's gaining popularity for its gentle, personalized approach to restoring health.

Research shows the human body is largely voltage regulated, rather than chemically. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents, electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain, so that we can move, think and feel. A disruption in electrical currents can lead to illness.

“There is mounting evidence that electricity influences everything from wound healing to cancer. “Bioelectric gradients and communication are fundamental to being alive,” says Michael Levin at Tufts University Mississipi. If we can map this “electrome” and learn to decode it, some astonishing consequences for our health would only be the start”.

Electromagnetic fields are produced by living cells, tissues or organisms. For example, in order for the heart to pump, cells must generate electrical currents that allow the heart muscle to contract at the right time. Doctors can observe these electrical pulses in the heart using an electrocardiogram or ECG machine. Irregular electrical currents can prevent heart muscles from contracting correctly, leading to a heart attack. Brain cells communicate with each other and the body through electrical impulses sent along electronically excitable cells known as neurons. The EEG measures this electrical activity of the brain. Brain waves are detected, amplified, and displayed as a graph. These waveform graphs are then evaluated for any abnormalities. 

Electromagnetic energy is continually resonating from the body in oscillations of varying wavelengths and frequencies, which can be detected, graphed, and examined with Bio Resonance machines. Bioresonance machines measure electromagnetic waves which can determine your present state of health, and provide a clear pathway to improve health conditions. A Bioresonance machine scans the body’s frequency patterns and identifies disruptive biological imbalances. These can be from pathogens, environmental toxins, thought patterns, genetics, food and more.

Corrective and precise electromagnetic frequencies are then applied to correct these and restore equilibrum so that the body is able to begin self healing. These corrective frequencies address the mental, physical, emotional, environmental aspects causing health issues. The software program contains the frequencies of various pathogens, allergens, chemicals, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, flower essences, nutrition and much more. The program also contains a myriad of specialised areas such as osteopathy, veterinary and oncology.

Electromagnetic therapy is gaining awareness as an effective therapeutic tool, not just amongst natural health practitioners but also within the medical community. Bio Resonance was created in Germany in 1977 and has roots in acupuncture, homeopathy, anatomy and pathology, microbiology, emotional wellbeing and more. It is commonly used in Germany and over the years has gained popularity in many countries including New Zealand. It is another powerful tool in the toolbox.


Bioresonance 1 hour session: $180.00

*Includes all reports, scans and treatments. Sessions can be done in clinic or online.


30 minute scan/treatment: $50.00

*Includes the Innervoice scan and SEFI only

*This is available after a one hour session has been completed. It is recommended to have weekly or fortnightly treatments, depending on the conditions that need treating, until the next one hour session a month later.

“I injured my right shoulder and required cortisol injections for the pain. After my first Bioresonance session with Leanne the pain reduced to 50%. And with help from a body specialist, my shoulder has now healed. Since then, I have received further successful Bioresonance treatments for UTI’s, a migraine and emotional stability. Thank you!”

— 29/11/2024 A.L. (Auckland)