Alpha-Stim Electrotherapy
A medical device used for the treatment of Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Pain
The Alpha-Stim is an electrotherapy device prescribed world-wide by physicians and other healthcare professionals as a safe, effective and proven treatment for pain, anxiety, insomnia and depression.
It has no lasting side effects, no risk of addiction and no danger of interaction with medications. Results are long lasting and often immediate.
The handheld, prescription medical device is FDA cleared and uses dual modalities: microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) to treat pain at its source and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) to treat mood and sleep.
The primary distinctive feature in a medical device is the waveform, and Alpha-Stim has a uniquely patented effective waveform.
The Alpha-Stim uses ear clips or probes for 20 minutes to an hour, anywhere from daily to 3 times a week to treat pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Alpha-Stim technology has been shown to be far more cost-effective than prescription drugs.
Overall, it is very safe for use. In over 35 years of clinical studies involving 8,800 people, only minor side effects such as headaches and skin irritation at electrode sites have been reported by a tiny fraction of users.
The effects are long-lasting and cumulative. Sixteen longitudinal studies showed long-term beneficial effects, however in some cases, depending on the problem being treated, Alpha-Stim technology may have to be used on a long-term or indefinite basis to manage the problem.
Alpha-Stim can also be used for animals and has received praise from those Veterinarians who have incorporated it into their practice.
“There has been nothing in the veterinary industry that can do for animals what Alpha-Stim does,” Dr. Frick said. “It is a drugless behavior and pain management treatment. Totally safe and effective, Alpha-Stim has made positive changes in my patients suffering from pain related to injury or surgery in all tissues, arthritis, and other chronic neuromuscular conditions.”
— Dr Frick
Every single mood and emotion experienced is controlled by electrochemical signals in your brain. Alpha - Stim is a safe and drug-free anxiety therapy that works with your brain’s electrical and electrochemical signals, it is cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES).
A mild microcurrent is applied, similar to the type and amount of electricity naturally occurring in your brain. The microcurrent is tiny, just millionths of an ampere, and so gentle that most people don’t even feel it.
The device transmits the waveform through small clips on your earlobes that send a microcurrent through the brain, modulating specific groups of nerve cells. This leads to significant stress and anxiety relief, and mood normalization.
Most Alpha-Stim users notice an immediate reduction in anxiety and an increased feeling of wellbeing from their first treatment.
The benefits of CES technology are cumulative. Each treatment builds on the progress of the last. In that way, it will relieve your anxiety for longer periods, so you may find you need less frequent Alpha-Stim treatments after the first few weeks.
Safe, proven, effective technology for pain, insomnia and depression available now at Inbalance
1 hour: $100.00
30 mins: $60.00
*It is recommended to have blocks of regular sessions to get a powerful momentum of healing.