Bio Resonance
Bio Resonance was developed in the 1970s by a German physician Dr. Fanz Morell. Since its emergence Bio Resonance techniques have been used globally to promote healing by normalising the body’s unique electromagnetic characteristics and frequency patterns.
The concept of using electromagnetic energy to diagnose and treat disease and illness is based on the assumption that applying electromagnetic energy can correct altered electromagnetic frequencies fields within the body linked to the presence of disease. This procedure involves separating wave patterns into groups of 1- harmonious, or healthy electromagnetic oscillations, 2- disharmonious, or unhealthy electromagnetic oscillations.
Electromagnetic energy is continually resonating out from the body in oscillations of varying wavelengths and frequencies, it is this which can be detected, amplified, graphed, and examined with Bioresonance.
Electronic therapeutic devices such as ultrasound, electroencephalography (EEG), and BioResonance, are designed to detect and record these oscillating electromagnetic waves.
Brain cells communicate with each other and the body through electrical impulses sent along electronically excitable cells known as neurons. The EEG measures this electrical activity of the brain. Brain waves are detected, amplified, and displayed as a graph. These waveform graphs are then evaluated for any abnormalities. An ECG is used to measure the electrical signals that makes a heartbeat and likewise displayed on a graph for evaluation.
Bio Resonance operates in a similar fashion, It uses software to measure the electromagnetic oscillations of various areas of the body and explore for potential disease or illness in the form of abnormal wave oscillations. Healthy functioning cells and organs emit harmonious wavelength oscillations between 10Hz and 150kHz. When illness or disease is present, normal cell and organ function is obstructed creating disharmonious electromagnetic oscillations. A computer program uses algorithms to compare wavelengths and frequencies to pre-existing measurements gathered from unhealthy cells and organs.
The categories covered are numerous including, pathogens, emotional blocks or imbalance, all systems and organs, chakras, meridians and acupuncture points, pain and injuries, nutrition-minerals and vitamins and a range of remedies.
Electromagnetic therapy is gaining awareness as an effective therapeutic tool, not just amongst natural health practitioners but also within the medical community.
Alpha - Stim treatment for Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Pain
Alpha-Stim has been on the market for over 30 years and has been one of the most researched CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) and MET (Microcurrent Electrical Therapy) devices. It is approved by the US FDA, CE, Australian TGA and New Zealand's Medsafe.
It is a medical device that sends a tiny current of a specific waveform through areas of pain, or through the brain. Results may be immediate, although a number of treatments over several days or longer are often needed. Alpha -Stim may also be used on animals.
Alpha-Stim was developed in 1981 by US neurobiologist Dr.Daniel Kirsch, who had explored acupuncture and electromedicine in the search for effective pain treatment. In 2007 DR Kirsch was recognized as the International Health Professional of the Year in Stress Medicine by the International Biographical Centre (UK).
MET is different from TENS. TENS machines work by blocking pain signals, and offer only temporary relief. Research has found that MET goes further, inducing the body's healing processes. Thus the results with Alpha-Stim are cumulative and often long-term.
Health and Hormones
Health & Hormones
“Natural progesterone is a remarkably effective, safe and relatively inexpensive therapy for a wide range of disorders resulting from estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency
— Dr John Lee
Times of hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause are often when health symptoms arise. Today much has been written about the health detriments of an estrogen and progesterone imbalance. Estrogen dominance is a condition in which one's progesterone levels are abnormally low relative to estrogen levels. Even a woman with low estrogen levels can have estrogen dominance symptoms if she does not have adequate progesterone. According to Dr Lee's research and clinical experience, this imbalance may cause or promote medical conditions such as:
acne, breast cancer & uterine cancer, decreased sex drive, depression, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts
fatigue, hair loss, headaches, heart disease, insomnia, infertility, osteoporosis, premenopausal symptoms
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) & fibroids, water retention, weight gain
Based on his review of scientific studies and his clinical experience, Dr Lee concluded that natural progesterone supplementation could help many estrogen dominant women experience relief from such conditions. Below is his list of some of the effects of estrogen dominance and the corrective effects of having adequate progesterone.
For Men
“We should not forget that progesterone is also important in males.It is produced by the testes and is a prescursor to other hormones in males. The most obvious case of progesterone’s importance is the prostate gland, which is the male equivalent to the female uterus. When progesterone in men is low the estradiol they make causes the prostate cells to grow. Just as excessive estradiol can cause uterine cancer, it is likely that excessive estradiol effect can cause prostate cancer.
— Dr John Lee
More information may be found in Dr Lee's book Hormone Balance for Men.
Who is Dr John Lee?
Dr Lee was a passionate advocate of using common-sense and simple, straight forward solutions to create and maintain optimal health. He was internationally acknowledged as a pioneer and expert in the study and use of the hormone progesterone, on the subject of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and health symptoms that women experience. He examined hundreds of scientific studies and concluded that many women suffer from a hormone imbalance that he coined estrogen dominance.
Why ProgesterAll cream? (natural NOT synthetic)
Progesterone - Progestins
According to Dr Lee misconceptions about progesterone still exist. Many people, including healthcare professionals, think that commonly prescribed progestins such as Provera are natural progesterone or that natural progesterone is a progestin. In reality, progestins are chemicals that have been synthesized from natural progesterone and whose chemical structures have been altered. Some of the unwanted side effects from using synthetic progestins are allergic reactions, acne, edema, hair loss, fatigue and nervousness, to name a few.
Through his research Dr Lee discovered how to address the fore mentioned health issues with natural ingredients that do not cause the unwanted side effects that progestins do as mentioned above. ProgesterAll™ is a fragrance free cream that contains 20 milligrams of USP Natural Progesterone per ¼ teaspoon of cream. Its unique liposome-mediated delivery system ensures rapid absorption of the ingredients into the skin so that they can be stored in the underlying fatty tissues for transmission to the bloodstream.
ProgesterAll contains the exact amounts of the ingredients that Dr Lee recommended in his groundbreaking books, including;
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer
Hormone Balance for Men
Dr John Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple
Energy Medicine: Reiki/Accunect
ENERGY MEDICINE: Reiki & Accunect
Accunect is a simple and effective energy medicine system based on the principles of ancient acupuncture theory, quantum physics and synthesized from ancient and modern systems of healing such as osteopathy, applied kinesiology, western medicine, information science and physics.
How does it work?
After an initial consultation the practitioner uses muscle testing to identify what on your health map needs to be balanced/shifted. This may be physical, mental, emotional or environmental. Light touch on chinese acupuncture points/meridians is then applied to focus the body's intelligence and awareness on the healing that is ready to take place.
The practitioner is not doing anything other than identifying what is ready to be balanced or shifted and bringing the awareness of this to you, it is you who does the healing. Allowing the flow of energy brings everything into alignment.
In clinic I combine Accunect with Reiki as I have found it to be more effective. Its fascinating how the emotions and beliefs that arise when going over a health map matches perfectly what someone has been going through. So often bringing the awareness of this creates a shift which can act as a catalyst for change and healing.
Reiki is a system of energy medicine that originated in Tibet thousands of years ago. This ancient healing art was rediscovered in the late 1800's by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese doctor who named it Reiki. Rei (spiritual or universal energy) and Ki (life force energy) clears, strengthens and balances the flow of energy throughout the body. It is a safe form of healing for all and can be used in conjunction with any other therapy. Reiki works on all aspects; mental/emotional/physical and spiritual.
Studies have shown Reiki can:
alleviate the side effects from drugs and chemotherapy
reduce anxiety, stress, depression and pain,
accelerate the healing process
improve sleep, immunity and energy.
Reiki is becoming increasingly integrated in hospitals, medical clinics, hospice programs, nursing homes, emergency rooms and organ transplant care units world wide.
An article in the NZ herald 20/8/08 describes the story about Hayden Roulston, an Olympic cyclist who was diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. He received Reiki treatments over a period of time and after a thorough medical assessment was later declared clear of the 'disease' he was once diagnosed with. He subsequently participated in the Olympic games and won two medals.
Reiki treatment sessions normally last 30 minutes or an hour and can be done either sitting in a chair or lying on a massage table (fully clothed). The number of treatment sessions required varies according to each person and their symptoms. All Reiki sessions are given in the safety, comfort and privacy of a professional clinic environment.
Wholistic health encompasses all areas, facets and aspects as teachers, authors and medical professionals such as Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, Bruce Lipton, Bernie Siegel and Wayne Dyer demonstrate. Mind/energy medicine such as Acupuncture, NLP, Mediation, Yoga, Colour Therapy, Sound Healing & Reiki have become increasingly popular as we experience a shift in consciousness and science undertakes research on therapies previously immeasurable, and unquantifiable.
Reiki goes mainstream: Spiritual touch practice now commonplace in hospitals
Reiki in the Clinical Setting is On The Rise
The Science and Mystery of Energy Healing
Dr. Mehmet Oz Declares Reiki as His #1 Alternative Medicine Secret
Allergy & Hay Fever Desensitising
Many years ago a colleague said she was having amazing results with a technique called NAET, in particular for hayfever sufferers. I investigated the system and not long later did an amazing course - Accunect.
As I believe in efficiency, simplicity, effectiveness and innovation, I wondered what would happen if I combined the two techniques. I did this and spent a year and a half applying it to friends and willing patients. At the end of this research the conclusion was-it WORKS!
The current medical treatment for allergies is sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) and is commonly used in Europe to treat respiratory and skin allergies. SLIT treats the cause of allergies by giving small doses of what a person is allergic to, which increases tolerance to the allergen and reduces the allergic symptoms.
Accunaet has the same effect but it is does not involve taking drops over an extended period of time so is therefore quicker as well as being highly effective.
Accunect techniques along with the vials desensitise one's reaction to an allergen/substance. Some people know definitely what they are reactive to so they can commence with an Accunaet session without necessitating a naturopathic consultation.
Others may have a multitude of substances they are reactive to and may know only of 2 or 3 substances with certainty. In these instances it is recommended to begin with a naturopathic consultation first to identify other factors that may be involved.
In many instances an immune overreaction to a substance will dissipate when other factors are addressed.
How it works
Accunaet treatment can be given in 15 minutes to half hour sessions. A session consists of a person holding a homeopathic vial of a particular allergen whilst stimulating specific acupuncture points. The number of sessions required will differ with each person but generally at least 3 x 15 minute sessions are recommended.
This treatment bio energetically balances and reprograms the mind/body to react appropriately to the substances identified. Accunaet is a quick, painless and interesting therapy. Similar systems are NAET, Advanced Allergy Elimination, Bodytalk/Kinesiology, Allergy Antidotes. However Accunaet is less complex and a lot quicker to apply.
People react differently with the treatment, some patients experience a worsening of their allergy symptoms for 24 hours and then disappear. Others who are reactive to several allergens and/or may be on medication, may have this reaction over a few days to a week before their allergy symptoms go.
Homeopathic remedies can be given over this time frame to aid in the desensitisation process. I have remained in touch with the majority of people I have treated. Two clients needed a follow up treatment the following spring, one lady's experiences mild symptoms when under emotional stress, all others have not had a return of their hay fever symptoms.
I recommend Accunaet as a natural, safe, effective and inexpensive treatment for hay fever and allergies.
“I had two allergy desensitising technique sessions with Leanne just as hay fever season was begining. I was doubtful that such a simple procedure would do anything, yet for the first time in many years, I had no hay fever symptoms over the season, for which I am profoundly grateful. ”
A Few Old Gems To Keep You In Good Health
Many of you from the Grown up generation may remember having to take castor oil and cod liver oil when you were kids. You may also remember how awful they tasted. Believe it or not these two remedies helped to keep your childhood free from illness; maybe it is time to revisit old ways.
Castor oil, Cod liver oil, and regular de-worming were amongst the common practices of earlier generations to keep illness at bay. And it worked. As there is no money to be made from these products however research to date is minimal, but we have a collation of experiences based over several decades that purport the effectiveness of these remedies.
Castor oil can be taken internally or in the form of external packs. Over the last 70 years, physicians from various professions as well as members of the public have been applying castor oil packs for a myriad of illnesses with fantastic results. Whilst it is still unclear exactly how castor oil works, studies have shown that it enhances the immune system and has an affinity with the lymphatic system. 70% of the immune system lies within the gastro intestinal tract and these studies have demonstrated that castor oil packs applied over the abdomen increases the production of lymphocytes, clears blockages within the lymphatic system, and improves thymus function.
Did you know that castor oil is antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory? (Alternatives.v6 n1, July 1995). Castor oil has anti-tumor abilities too. A study discovered that a lectin purified from wild castor plants can kill cancer cells at concentrations at which normal cells are not affected (William McGarey, M.D The A.R.E Journal, September, 1973, Volume 8, No.5, page 221).
Doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, natural heath practitioners, massage therapists, nurses, physiotherapists and members of the public have applied castor oil packs over the last few decades for simple and serious diseases such as; hay fever, allergies, cancer, tumors, cysts, skin ailments, bruises, sprains and strains, back pain, pmt, constipation, period pain, insomnia, arthritis, acne, warts, skin inflammation, ear infections, eye problems, pterygiums, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, hepatitis, liver spots, joint pain, gallstones, hyperactivity (kids), swollen lymph nodes, abscess, whiplash, local infections, epilepsy, skin cancer, tinnitus, snoring and more. Perhaps it is time to introduce castor oil to the younger generations.
Castor oil can act as a purgative against intestinal parasites (worms) and it was common for the whole family to take worm tablets once or twice a year or be given doses of castor oil. This practice seems to have died out and indeed many people are surprised to hear that they may have worms.
Various parasites have collectively infected an estimated 3 billion worldwide and they are responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Whilst such infections are particularly prevalent in developing countries, increased travel to and immigration from countries prone to such infections, has resulted in an increase in reported cases within developed countries. Worms can grow up to six feet inside the human intestines consuming vital nutrients and affecting the digestive system of their host.
The most common symptoms are various gastrointestinal diseases such as; diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, poor absorption of nutrients that may lead on to depression, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, poor immunity, allergies and skin disorders. Chronic infection from parasites such as worms and flukes produce symptoms such as infertility, chronic fatigue, intestinal and organ obstruction, aseptic meningitis, hepatitis, cardiac failure, seizures and psychiatric illnesses and neurological disorders (mental health patients have a higher rate of infection). The Research for Infectious Mental Illness discovered psychiatric illnesses such as depression in over 65% of neurocysticercosis cases (a disease of the central nervous system). Pork tapeworm is the most common parasite implicated in neurological disorders such as epilepsy, depression and psychosis.
Cod liver oil is a source of vitamins A & D. Cod liver oil is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and maintains a healthy mucous lining throughout the body. Healthy mucous membranes are more resistant to infections by bacteria, viruses and parasites. Cod liver oil enhances calcium absorption which is important to maintain strong bones, and keep arthritis at bay. This inexpensive supplement also maintains healthy eyesight. The Vitamin D content has anti tumour functions and modulates immune function. The oil you so fondly remember taking as a child reduces cancer risk and enhances immunity. Ironically vitamin D levels seem to be decreasing amongst the population despite our dairy intake. So thank your parents for giving you castor oil, cod liver oil, and de worming pills because they potentially saved you from a lifetime of illness.
Fertility & Miscarriage
Improve your chances of conception and a normal pregnancy
'Many women experiencing infertility or miscarriages have antibodies to phospholipids serine and ethanolamine and as a result, they have immunities that prevent implantation or cause miscarriages. 'I have found in 100 infertile women with minimal endometriosis that 60% had autoimmune abnormalities that were predictive of subsequent IVF failure. The literature clearly speaks about the association between endometriosis and implantation failure. I therefore feel strongly that women with endometriosis and infertility need an immune work-up prior to embarking on IVF', Dr Alan Beer.
When it comes to falling pregnant there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Some women not wanting children fall pregnant easily, others who dearly want children spend years a lot of money and try different therapies to conceive. Some women are told they cannot have children and yet they fall pregnant anyway. Many couples abstain from alcohol, tea, drugs and all things nice whilst others eat and drink anything and have no trouble getting pregnant. It does not seem fair, however in recent years advances in specialized testing, research and experience has increased the success rates for conception and for a normal pregnancy.
Professor Robert Winston and Dr Beer emphasise the importance of having an exhaustive range of tests done preferably before going ahead with IVF. Professor Robert Winston says 'too many people are advised to try IVF before first having a thorough investigation of the cause of their infertility..in many cases there are various treatments that are more appropriate, less expensive and demanding and more likely to succeed. even where IVF is advisable, the likelihood of its succeeding may depend on having a prior treatment on preparation for an IVF cycle'.
Whilst there are variable causes for infertility and miscarriage which are symptoms not diseases, an area of focus that has identified physical causes for infertility and miscarriage is the relationship between the immune system and reproductive health. Dr Alan Beer spent 25 years investigating the cause for infertility and miscarriage and found a connection between immune dysfunction and reproductive health and he has had great success.
'For over 25 years, I have pursued the goal of finding explanations for previously unexplained infertility, IVF failure and recurrent pregnancy loss. No, these situations are not 'just bad luck' or 'God's will.' There are five categories of immune problem that cause reproductive failure, and with appropriate treatment they can be overcome. Over 7,000 couples have sought my help and have achieved a success rate of more than 85% within three cycles.' Dr Alan Beer
Dr John Lee is a pioneer in the area of women's health which has influenced the way many health professionals practice medicine. He writes that in his experience the dominance of estrogen in women in predominantly industrialised countries is to blame for the many areas of women's health conditions such as PMS, infertility, miscarriage, early menopause and menarche, fibroids, cancer, osteoporosis and endometriosis. He developed a cream to counteract estrogen dominance and had great success with his female patients.
Where to from here?
Whilst it is important to have the availability of medical technology, I believe it is vital to take a lateral and wholistic approach. For example, Julia Indichova has written on her struggle to fall pregnant despite the odds she was up against and today helps other couples in the same predicament. A major part of her therapy is the mind/body interaction.
Detoxification is an important initial step because environmental toxins are being increasingly proven to be at the core of serious health issues, even before conception has taken place. In a study published by the Environmental Working Group, cord blood from ten newborns babies were examined and 287 chemicals were detected. All of these chemicals are carcinogenic which means they have the potential to cause cancer, as well as developmental problems and more.
It is easy to lose patience and faith particularly if your journey thus far has not given you the child you so dearly ache for, but there is hope and much inspiration to help you decide to continue on your quest to have a healthy baby.
'Many Doctors are resistant to the possibilities that reproductive immunology can offer, even though they can suggest no clinically proven alternatives of their own.implantation failure and miscarriage that is caused by immune problems is largely preventative and this message needs to be conveyed to couples who are losing their babies or are unable to conceive', Dr Alan Beer.
So what should you do if you have been struggling with fertility, IVF treatment failures or miscarriages? Integrative assessment (natural therapies/orthodox) and treatment provide you with the best options, above all let your intuition guide you and keep an open mind.
Recommended reading
Is Your Body Baby-Friendly? Alan Beer, M.D with Julia Kantecki and Jane Reed
A Child Against All Odds, Professor Robert Winston
The Natural Way to Better Babies, Francesca Naish & Janette Roberts
Natural Fertility, Francesca Naish & Janette Roberts
Natural Progesterone, Dr John Lee
What your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause, Dr John Lee
Inconceivable, Julia Indichova
The Fertile Woman, Julia Indichova
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, Dr Christine Northrup
It's A Worm's World. Are Parasites making you or your child sick?
They wine and dine with the rich and poor without invitation and their intimate relationship with us may last for years. They command the respect of scientists, researchers and large organisations such as the World Health Organisation and The Gates Foundation. Billions of dollars and many hours of hard work are dedicated to them. They come in different shapes and sizes, pay no tax, get free food and accommodation and travel to all corners of the world without a visa. This can be accomplished without you being aware they exist inside you or your child!
Human intestinal parasites such as worms, flukes, and protozoa collectively infect billions of people worldwide. Whilst most of the focus has been applied to developing countries, parasitic infection is not confined to borders. An increase in global travel and immigration has resulted in an increase of parasitic infections in developed countries and concern has been expressed at the ability of western health clinicians to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment. Accurate testing and diagnosis for parasites is difficult and unreliable an infected people remain free of symptoms or present with intermittent symptoms. Sophisticated testing is not available in every laboratory, therefore many cases of infection go undiagnosed.
Some of the reasons developed countries such as New Zealand and Australia are experiencing an increase in such infections are;
increase in travel and immigration to endemic countries
increase in eco & adventure tourism
change in parasite epidemiology and ecological environment
increase in day care centres
increase in pet ownership
increase in foreign foods
Collectively intestinal parasites such as worms, flukes and protozoa (e.g. giardia, cryptosporidium) cause a myriad of mild and serious ill health symptoms such as;
allergies, fatigue, headaches
constipation/diarrhoea, abdominal pain, distension and gas
intermittent nausea
low grade fever
skin rashes
immune dysfunction
Chronic infections (more common in endemic countries) may cause;
chronic fatigue
irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's & inflammatory bowel disease
symptoms suggestive of endometriosis
intestinal and organ obstruction
seizures, epilepsy, psychiatric illnesses-depression/psychosis, behavioural & neurological disorders
The adverse health effects caused by intestinal parasites are detrimental to children. Worms and protozoa (such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium) slow a child's physical and mental development, cause malnutrition and anemia and affect their developing immune system, which reduces a child's ability to fight disease. Even after treatment a child who has had giardiasis may continue to have mild symptoms of ill health for many months after initial infection. Sore stomachs, headaches, allergy like symptoms and a development of food intolerances, often dairy, can be common.
A study that was published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology reviews cases of two women who had symptoms that presented as endometriosis. Further investigation revealed these women did not have endometriosis but abscesses containing a large number of eosinophils and parasites such as pinworms, threadworms. One of the women was a primary school teacher and had regular contact with young children; the other had a travel history to tropical countries. Whilst pinworms are normally found in the gastrointestinal tract, some worms migrate into the female genital tract and can go as far as the kidneys.
A study in the Journal of Travel medicine Australia reveals an Australian woman who saw her gynaecologist for infertility. She later had surgery for an ectopic pregnancy but when they operated on her they discovered a large mass between her uterine tube and ovary on the opposite side. Histology of the mass showed it contained parasitic eggs from a fluke (schistosoma haematobium). Her history revealed extensive travel throughout Africa. These cases highlight the importance of considering parasites in the assessment and treatment of ill health particularly in migrants from endemic countries but also people who have a history of travelling to such countries.
Over the years I have seen many people in my clinic who have been infected with an intestinal parasite, in some cases many years ago. For many of them their health symptoms began after travel to an exotic country such as Africa, Asia, South America or the Middle East. It is interesting that results for their blood & stool tests are often negative yet their symptoms reflect parasitic infection and these patients respond well when antiparasitic herbs and homeopathic remedies are included in their treatment.
Many scientists, authors and researchers have noted the lack of interest and research that has gone into studying parasites, as attention has been focused on viruses and bacteria. However the interest in human intestinal parasites is being rekindled, due in part to the increase of reported infections in developed countries and the rapid rise of giardiasis in countries such as New Zealand which now has one of the highest rates of infection in the developed world.
Does your child go to day care?
Have you travelled to any of the fore mentioned continents?
Do you work with children?
Have you ever de-wormed yourself or your family?
Do you often eat exotic foods, or regularly eat out at foreign restaurants?
Do you have a health issue that has not been diagnosed or resolved?
Then consider using gentle and effective herbal and homeopathic remedies to give your intestines and organs a clean out from what may be residing within. It is best to do so under the guidance of a health practitioner.