What is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine also called phytomedicine, is an ancient healing science that uses remedies made from medicinal plants to treat symptoms of ill health. Herbal medicine has existed since ancient times, and has been used by the Romans, Egyptians, Aborigines, Native American Indians and Asians. Today many ethnic groups such as Africans, Aborigines and Pacific Islanders still use their traditional medicine. In recent years there has been a growth of interest in traditional natural medicine which has in part resulted in greater research on the health benefits of herbs. Since the 1970's the World Health Organization has included in its goals the aim to promote and integrate Traditional Natural Medicine in all countries in order to meet world health needs.
What is a herb?
A herb is a medicinal plant that contains various chemical compounds and nutrients such as; minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, anti oxidants, protein, amino acids, oils, phytosterols. As a simple illustration, aromatic and resinous oils such as thymol in thyme are a germicide effective against streptococcal infections, Chamomile contains calcium salts for bones, and in combination with magnesium and potassium reduces cramps and tension that cause symptoms such as period pain. Valerian is extremely high in magnesium making it effective for insomnia, muscle tension, constipation, anxiety and stress related symptoms in certain personality types.
Research has shown that St John's Wort may be effective for depression, ginger for reproductive and digestive conditions, garlic for the immune system and high blood pressure, and Comfrey and Calendula are specific herbs used externally for a range of skin conditions. Recent years has seen an explosion of research on herbs and spices. Curcumin derived from Tumeric is one that has shown to be anti inflammatory and helps to build brain cells.
How are herbs taken?
There are various ways to take herbal medicines
Herbal tinctures and extracts are most commonly taken orally but may also be applied externally.
Herbal ointments are used externally for skin conditions, burns, insect bites or stings.
Herbs may be taken in the form of a tea (infusion) or included in cooking as a food or spice (e.g. basil, parsley, tumeric).
As a classical herbalist I apply my intimate knowledge and understanding of medicinal plants to treat your health condition. Prescribing a herbal remedy is an art that is developed over time, based on knowledge, understanding and experience. Herbal extracts and tinctures are the primary tools of my trade and as such my herbs are sourced from a reputable company which has been involved in the business for over a century.
Flower Essences
Dr. Edward Bach, a homeopath, immunologist and bacteriologist, developed 38 flower essences in the 1930's. He believed a healthy mind, is the key to recovery from ill health. Bach flower essences are effective at invoking a subtle change or balance of attitudes and emotions. The flower essences help us to cope and react to situations in a manner less detrimental to our health. For example, Rescue Remedy is a well-known Bach flower formula that is used for traumatic situations or experiences. Emotions play a large and important role in our mental and physical health. The majority of patients symptoms may be a direct result from emotions or negative thoughts that they are experiencing such as; anger, resentment, fear, lack of confidence, low self image etc.
Research has identified the mind/body connection, which the medical profession has termed psychoneuroimmunology. Lynne McTaggart and Dr Bernie Siegel are two of many health practitioners who give a fascinating insight on how it works. Time may shed more light, but the fact remains, what you think and how you feel have tangible effects.
I recall when I first realised how effective these remedies are. Dorothy Hall who was my teacher and mentor regaled a story about a patient who was not getting relief from her migraines despite being on the appropriate remedies.
It was not until Dorothy added a particular Bach Flower for this lady that her migraines disappeared. It also reinforces treating the individual rather than giving a list of remedies for a particular ailment. Like herbs and nutritional supplements, flower essences are chosen according to what each person needs and to what mental/emotional/physical or lifestyle factors are affecting their health.
For example, skin conditions may be caused from an unhealthy diet, lack of certain nutrients, inefficient bowels, congested lymph, an infection or hormones. However, many skin conditions have an emotional or mental cause (attitude) and this is where the Bach flower essences can be of enormous help.
Bach flower essences work well in combination with other remedies such as herbs and nutritional supplements. They are a safe, simple and very effective form of treatment to restore mental, physical and emotional balance.
Homo (human) - toxico (toxin) - logy (study) is the study of the influence of toxic substances on humans. It is a system of medicine that has been well researched and documented in Europe since the 1930's and has been integrated into medical practices worldwide. Homotoxicology believes that 'all disease is a response to a toxin, that symptoms are a reflection of adapting or responding to this toxin and that disease follows a specific, predictable pattern through the body if it cannot rid itself of toxins.
Restoration of health therefore is through regulation rather than suppression. For example eczema is usually treated with hydrocortisone which suppresses the symptoms. Any disease that is suppressed tends to become chronic and moves to deeper lying organs or tissues'. Like peeling the layers of an onion Homotoxicology reverses this process of disease, following Herrings law of cure which states recovery of health will go from the inside out, from vital to less vital organs, from the torso to the extremities'.
Detoxification is a primary goal in homotoxicology therapy and environmental toxins are increasingly proven to be at the core of serious health issues, even before conception has taken place. Homotoxicology remedies are specifically formulated homeopathic medicines. These remedies may be used alone or in conjunction with herbal medicine.
'Fewer babies are being born and more couples are resorting to fertility treatment. As this reduction in fertility has taken place within two generations, inherited genetic causes are unlikely as these evolve over many thousands of years. The chromosomal changes that are being seen today closely follow the pattern of the introduction of chemical products into the environment. Worldwide, over 400 million tons of synthetic chemicals are produced annually...
...an investigation found over 500 potentially dangerous man made chemicals in fat samples from a seemingly healthy 30 year old female living in Britain today, whereas one taken from an Egyptian mummy was found to contain none...it has been estimated that each of us could consume around four and a half pounds of pesticides and herbicides and nine pounds of artificial additives every year...
...over the past 50 years, women have been subjected to a dramatic rise in health problems never seen before in history. In the U.S., endometriosis afflicts upwards of 10% of women in childbearing age, up to 30% suffer from premenstrual syndrome and at least 30% have uterine fibroids. Breast cancer now affects around one in ten women. Scientific evidence is mounting that exposure to harmful chemicals may be a common factor in all these conditions. In IVF too, the detection of environmental toxins in the follicular fluid surrounding the egg has been associated with fertilization failure,' Dr Alan Beer.
'Nearly all xenobiotics are petrochemically based...producing an epidemic of reproductive abnormalities, steadily increasing numbers of cancers of the reproductive tract, infertility, low sperm counts and the feminization of males... I believe xenoestrogens are affecting our children in profound ways' Dr John Lee.